WIN Within Coaching ™ is a philosophical framework for discovery, development and achievement that unfolds and expands a woman’s greatest mastery of mind and self-actualization.
WIN Within™ is designed to help women explore the four dimensions of self— mental, physical, social/emotional and spiritual—in order to bring them to a place of wholeness and full existence. We believe women are empowered to win within, to the pulse of their passions rooted at the soul of their core values.
- Mental
- Physical
- Social/Emotional
- Spiritual
As your coach, it is my responsibility to help you unearth the diamonds amongst the rubble.
As the BOLD Moves Strategist, I specialize in helping you Do it BOLD™. Whatever your “it” is, I coach you through the discovery of your passions and development of your purpose into your next BOLD Move!
While it is my pleasure to partner with you as one of your greatest challengers and biggest cheerleaders, I will NOT allow you to stay in your comfort zone. I keep it real throughout your entire journey—coaching, listening, teaching, and pushing you to your finish! Comfort zones cannot exist! I will hold you accountable to do the #lifework. You will learn how to WIN Within™ ™, despite the weight of your life load. I can promise you that your next level is forward and UP!
The WIN Within Coaching™ program was designed with the profound impact fear can have on women. Our research tells us that fear can literally stop women from moving forward in all pursuits of life. Over the years, we have encountered many women who believe untruths, embrace feelings of inferiority and inadequacy, and are paralyzed by fear. Consequently, I developed my signature coaching course: Do IT BOLD!™
Do IT BOLD™ is signature of the BOLD Moves Movement and WIN Within Coaching™. I encourage and challenge you to start your personal growth journey here with us on our exclusive BOLD Moves pathway! This is just the beginning of what is to come, so let’s move together toward unleashing your passions and fulfilling your purpose with the determination to WIN Within™ and to Do IT BOLD!
It’s YOUR life. Let me repeat. It’s YOUR LIFE! Contemplate, hesitate, doubt NO MORE; the category is YOUR life… You live daily; die once, so let’s get to living!
Using the BOLD Code™, I specialize in helping women Do it BOLD™. The BOLD Code™ is the key to unlocking your courage that breeds clarity and yields confidence to move, yet move, and still move.
Whatever your “it” is, I coach you through my WIN Within™ process, to help you discover your passions and develop your purpose into your next BOLD Move! I impel women to not ignore their inner passions, purpose and power inciting their next bold move! Yet, life happens to us all. Still move. There are often extenuating circumstances; still move. Sometimes there are feelings of doubt; still move. The when, where, and how of your pain source does not matter; you can still move! The BOLD Code™ was developed to empower women to become BOLD Movers, unleash their courage, show up, and embrace fear.
Each woman has a purpose specifically designed for and belonging to her alone.
I believe there’s nothing worse than living a life that’s not your own—a life that has been manufactured and prescribed by the doings, sayings and expectations of others.
It is important every woman learn that there are processes within her purpose that must be acknowledged and embraced as she learns to actively pursue her passions and walk in her purpose at the degree of achievement and level of success she desires.
It’s Your Life…Get to living… BOLD Moves! HOOK WORD – go to product page (BUY NOW)
Let’s face it; FEAR IS REAL!
It is a powerful human emotion that alerts us to the presence of danger. So, yes, fear has its place and purpose in our lives. However, do you ever wonder what role fear plays in our ability to live authentically, intentionally, and courageously?
Human nature tells us we must rid ourselves of fear if we really expect to have and do what we want most in life. I believe that true courage is not the absence of fear; rather it is being willing to proceed enlightened of your fear. Many argue that we should accomplish our goals in spite of fear; however, I think it is extremely important and necessary that you are affected by your fear.
The Do it BOLD™ approach educates you on your fear’s purpose and proper placement in your life. I teach you techniques and provide you with tools to, not just face your fear, but embrace your fear and stop allowing it to drive you. You are in the driver’s seat of fulfilling your purpose and, as Do it BOLD arms you with courage, clarity and confidence, you will pursue your passions, fulfill your purpose and access your power—not in spite of your fears—but enlightened of and by your fears.
It’s Your Life. Get to living!