Keynotes for Women


Cautious, Yet Courageous

What’s courage got to do with it?

Make audiences feel revitalized and ready to take courageous action! Join Kiesha L Cousar as she offers insight into the power of NOW even when it is out of your comfort zone. She will explain how to work through your fears, develop courage, acquire clarity and, from there, exude confidence to be your best self.

Learning Goals and Objectives:

  • Acquire tools for self-regulation and self-actualization
  • Eliminate comfort zones
  • Discern benefits of failure and rejection
  • Determine focus and clarity for the future
  • Apply techniques  to make changes and pursue goals

Whether it’s mentally, physically, socially, emotionally, or spiritually, many find themselves stuck in a fear-based state of mind and uncertainty, are forever changed by Kiesha L. Cousar’s transformational message and strategic approaches! This highly-spirited directive is derived from over 20 years of her engaging with people who are locked in self-built cages of mental paralysis, unable to live out loud the power they possess within. Kiesha L. Cousar empowers people of multiple facets of life to pursue their passions and fulfill their purpose with intent by making BOLD Moves!

Learning Goals and Objectives:

  • Acknowledgment of fears and their source
  • Knowing the difference between fears that serve and fears that undermine
  • Properly positioning fears
  • 7 Principles of BOLD Living 
  • Personally-developed tools to get started in moving toward #BOLDMoves



What’s courage got to do with it?


Monday’s Coming!

“No challenge is too great if you’re willing to become greater!” –Kiesha L. Cousar

START! It’s a simple word, yet MONUMENTAL for continual life work and personal development. Kiesha L. Cousar is calling on all who desire to make a change in their life to START! This motivational message offers practical solutions for shifting from procrastination and leaning into your next chapter/step, because Monday is inevitable and coming. Kiesha wants you to understand that it does not matter how seemingly big your challenges are, you must simply START to move forward in your personal growth.

Whether you are just graduating high school, are a college graduate, or currently beginning a new career, this is a call to action you do not want to miss!

Learning Goals and Objectives:

  • Determine your “why” and purpose
  • Realize strengths and weaknesses
  • Set goals; create a plan
  • Recognize and stop procrastination and avoidance tendencies
  • Celebrate all progress—even small steps!
  • Position yourself for the next move 

Anyone who knows Kiesha L. Cousar knows how dear to her heart the mothers of the church are—the ones who truly believed prayer to be the answer; who referred to earrings as earbobs; carried hard-candy and never gave a second thought about correcting a young girl or young woman’s attitude or behavior. This compelling speech is one from her depths as Kiesha warrants the urgent need to revitalize the “good ole’ days,” when those mothers existed and they and the knowledge, understanding and wisdom they imparted were revered. She demands for a revitalization of those existing mothers and that today’s Titus 2 women to rise and answer the call of God!

This electrifying speech jolts audience members to their feet ready to ignite their own movement for the revitalization of women serving on the 21st Century Mother Board! Kiesha L. Cousar declares, “Modesty STILL matters and holiness is still right.” We need the mothers of the Mother Board for the healing and empowerment of girls and young adult women now more than ever!”


Learning Goals and Objectives:

  • The Mother Board of yesterday and today (what works)
  • Selecting the mothers of the board
  • Establishing duties and responsibilities
  • Keeping it simple and sincere
  • The power of prayer & importance approachability and visibility


STILL Works! 

And Modesty Still Matters.


Who Carried You 

“Caregiving often calls us to lean into love we didn’t know possible.”-Tia Walker

What happens when the parent-child relationship is reversed? It has become more prevalent that many young-adult, middle-aged, and older-adult children are finding themselves assuming the role of caregiver for elderly parents who have reached a stage of declining health. Caregiver is a role Kiesha L. Cousar knows personally. Her touching, personal story sets an atmosphere for travels to places in the hearts and minds of caregivers that are understandably difficult to face and address. Prepare to become enlightened and receive encouragement concerning self-care needs; natural, but embarrassing or guilty feelings; as well as the imminent effects caregiving can have on the personal and professional lives of caregivers.
You are invited to this raw, transparent, compassionate and engaging conversation that will positively shift your caregiver perspective.

Learning Goals and Objectives:

  • Establishing Boundaries for everyone
  • Navigating family/sibling tensions
  • Acknowledging and practicing sharing is caring
  • Maintaining respect for the “No” and other decisions
  • Making difficult, best-interest decisions
  • Managing stress and anticipatory grief
  • Coping with and removing the guilt

Keynotes for GIRLS


NOBODY Can Beat You Being You!

Mrs. Kiesha says, “If imitation is indeed the greatest form of flattery, then you had better mind who you are imitating!”

Kiesha L. Cousar unleashes her inner relentless mothering, as inspired by her mother, to teach girls that there is value in being themselves. This speech/teaching is nothing short of candid personal stories, role-play exercises, and strong, actionable methods for girls to embrace being an original. Mrs. Kiesha speaks that imitation should NEVER be intentional and implores girls to wear proudly their armor of uniqueness and navigate through life and its challenges in their purpose!

This moving, electrifying, inspiring speech exemplifies one of the many reasons Kiesha L. Cousar is loved by women and girls.

She does NOT hold back as she declares a “cease and desist” on the generational lies and societal influences that have been allowed to dictate to girls who they are and who they will become.  This speech is not just an invitation for girls to believe in themselves and their abilities; it is an awakening of girls so that they might no longer believe or contend with the lies that caused discordant shifts in their lives! 

Who Said…?

I Value ME!

One of her most gripping and riveting speeches to date, “I Value Me,” is one of Mrs. Kiesha’s clarion calls.

In a society where the terms, “like” and “value” are used interchangeably, she knows there is an urgent need to ensure that girls know the difference, and it cannot be ignored! Mrs. Kiesha challenges the mindset of girls in terms of what they know and understand about their roles in this life as well as what their acquired friendships and relationships say about them. This speaking experience is one that will inspire girls to reset their focus so that physical appearance is not the equivalency of value, but what they set in their hearts and minds to believe about themselves.

Mrs. Kiesha says, “Everybody’s NOT doing it and, if they are, let them!”

Talking about sex is never easy, but this light-hearted, yet profound, faith-based teaching is not one you or your daughter should miss! Using scripture in concert with stories and scenarios, often leveraging audience participation, Mrs. Kiesha will lighten the mood but not the seriousness of the topic and ultimately inspire girls to feel empowered in their self-worth, self-respect, purity and modesty. Your daughter will not leave this experience the same!

Keep the

Power in Purity in the 21st Century

Modesty Still Matters.


Don’t call, text,

Girls and young adult women alike LOVE this teaching and admit to being forever changed in their attitudes and approaches to relationships!

Mrs. Kiesha can be seen and heard amidst wide-eyed gazes, blushing faces and soft giggles to roaring laughter whenever she asks, “Who gave Jerome the key?” In her delivery of this momentous message, she demystifies the social norms of male and female relationships and encourages girls to control their narrative, establish boundaries, and communicate their beliefs and limits effectively. Mrs. Kiesha will equip you with the tools to STOP allowing yourself to know Jerome better than you know YOU! Do not miss this motivational experience!


High Performance Leadership:

And Leading Within

The workplace is full of achievement seekers. Successful achievement is linked to the ability to connect purposefully with one’s own personal and professional goals, and often the two intersect. This keynote addresses the leader that exists in every individual and how to best attain and execute roles as leaders either currently or in the future, with the following learning objectives.

Learning Goals and Objectives:

  • Discover what really matters to you
  • Learn the importance of self-awareness
  • Learn and identify high performing leadership strategies and skills
  • Determine the most effective ways to implement strategies and skills
  • Practice in skill-building peer groups 

Contentment is most often a matter of contingency.  It relies heavily on whether immediate needs are being met or if imminent needs will be met. The rationale is that if one strives for more, more will be obtained, creating successes and feelings of self-satisfaction.  This keynote addresses true leaders’ aversion to average-scaled achievement and the advantages of a value-centered, intentional, and convergent leadership approach with the following learning objectives:

Learning Goals and Objectives:

  • Examine the meanings of personal and professional greatness 
  • Assess peer and self-accountability 
  • Discover the “teachable teacher” approach
  • Learn the pitfalls of double-vision 
  • Implement strategies & transformative thinking in skill-building peer groups

Purposeful Leadership:

An Aversion to Average

Authentic Identity:

Being YOU in the Workplace

Like its co-conspirator fear, self-doubt is often a self-imposed roadblock on the winding to road to success and, to the dismay of many, regardless of rank or position; it’s quite prevalent in the workplace. This keynote addresses the challenges of being your true self at work and strategies to encourage as well as expect authenticity of oneself and others with the following learning objectives:

Learning Goals and Objectives:

  • Discover differences in your personal and professional persona
  • Learn keys to self-worth 
  • Discover strategies for controlling personal thoughts 
  • Examine strategies for transforming arrogance and insecurity to courage and confidence 
  • Learn compassion practices (for self and peers)

Fear can either be a friend or foe. It loves, challenges, hurts, stalls, and pushes its respective person as in an actual relationship. This keynote details how to develop a loving relationship with fear and set relationship boundaries for a stress-free, emotionally healthy, goal-achieving and BOLD -moving YOU with the following learning objectives:  

Learning Goals and Objectives:

  • Learn the different types of fear
  • Become aware of and categorize your own fears
  • Decide what you will and will not accept from fear
  • Learn strategies for accessing your own power
  • Discover ways and implement strategies to challenge your fears

Make BOLD Moves:

Developing a Healthy Relationship with Fear

The Power of ONE:

Intersectionality in the Workplace

Effectiveness is always a goal in any work environment. While commonality can certainly help with achieving that goal, so does an understanding of the individuality of oneself and everyone within the group or team. This keynote details how tapping into personal power, characteristics and dynamics as well as establishing clear, consistent lines of communication can transform the work environment and improve performance with the following learning objectives:

Learning Goals and Objectives:

  • Learn the value of emotional intelligence
  • Discover your personal power to transform your thinking and environment 
  • Learn the usefulness of feedback
  • Discover ways to create a less oppressive work environment
  • Practice the art of listening in skill-building peer groups 

Bring Kiesha In for Your Next Event: