KIESHA L COUSAR coaches to empower.

It’s YOUR life. 

Let me repeat… 


The DO IT BOLD™ approach is the key to unlocking your courage that breeds clarity and yields confidence to move, yet move, and still move. 

Whatever your “it” is, I coach you through my WIN Within™ transformational process, to OWN your life, help you discover your passions, and develop your purpose into your next BOLD Move!  I compel women to not ignore their inner passions, purpose and power inciting their next bold move!   

Yes, life happens. Still move. There are often extenuating circumstances; still move.  Sometimes there are feelings of doubt; still move. The when, where, and how of your source of pain does not matter; you can still move!  

Contemplate, hesitate, doubt NO MORE. The category is YOUR life… 

“You live daily – die once – so let’s get to living!” – KIESHA L COUSAR






You have a purpose. One specifically designed for you and belonging to you alone.

There’s nothing worse than living a life that’s not your own—a life that has been manufactured and prescribed by the doings, sayings and expectations of others. 

Learn to actively pursue your passions and walk in your purpose – at the degree of achievement and level of success you desire. It’s your life – own it.

Using my signature WIN Within Coaching ™ framework, you'll discover & develop a mastery of mindset and self-actualization.

The WIN Within Coaching™ program was designed around the profound impact fear can have on women. Research shows that fear can literally stop women from moving forward in all pursuits of life. By exploring the four dimensions of self— mental, physical, social/emotional and spiritual—you can live whole, well, and embody your full existence.  

If you believe untruths, embrace feelings of inferiority and inadequacy, and are paralyzed by fear, the WIN Within Coaching™ program can help you.




As your coach, it is my responsibility to help you unearth the diamonds amongst the rubble.

While it is my pleasure to partner with you as one of your biggest cheerleaders and greatest challengers, I will NOT allow you to stay in your comfort zone. I keep it real throughout your entire journey—coaching, listening, teaching, and pushing you to your finish! 

Comfort zones cannot exist!  I will hold you accountable to do the #lifework.  You will learn how to WIN Within™ ™, despite the weight of your life load.  

I can promise you that your next level is forward and UP!